Friday, October 16, 2015


This is a view of the wildlife crossing bridge just northwest of Tucson that will allow animals to migrate between the Catalina Mts - in the distance - and the Tortolita Mts off on the right.  This bridge will provide a wildlife "linkage" allowing wildlife to move between these mountains for food, water, and mating. 
The wildlife will be directed by fencing to use the bridge rather than the road.  The bridge was constructed in a location currently used by wildlife to cross the busy Oracle Road.  There is also a new underpass just south of the bridge that will allow everything from desert tortoises to deer to cross the road to migrate safely.  This will help keeping species genetically diverse and able to thrive.
I was part of this Sky Island Alliance volunteer work crew today, laying irrigation lines and planting native plants near the wildlife crossing.
For more information on this remarkable project, go to the Coalition for the Sonoran Desert Protection link provided here:

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